X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter, has officially launched its highly anticipated audio and video calling functionality to all users, not just those with premium subscriptions. In the past, this feature was restricted to premium members, excluding non-subscribers from enjoying this communication tool. With this update, all users can now engage in video calls, enhancing their social interactions with friends and family through direct messages. This move signifies a significant advancement for X as it strives to evolve into a “super app,” a concept championed by its owner, Elon Musk.
X’s ultimate goal is to transform into a centralized social hub, offering a wide array of features within a single platform, eliminating the need for users to switch between multiple applications. By democratizing access to the calling feature, X is not only increasing its inclusivity but also potentially attracting new users who previously relied on alternative platforms for video calling services. This strategic decision aligns with X’s vision of providing a seamless and comprehensive social networking experience to its diverse user base.
Upon the announcement of this new feature, some concerns were raised regarding potential privacy and security issues, particularly the risk of receiving unsolicited calls from unknown individuals. To address these apprehensions, X has introduced user controls that empower individuals to manage their calling preferences effectively. Users now have the flexibility to customize their settings, specifying who can initiate calls with them or opting to disable the calling feature altogether. This proactive approach demonstrates X’s commitment to ensuring a safe and personalized user experience within its platform.
You can enable the calling feature by following these steps:
- Open the X app
- Tap on your profile picture at the top
- Select “Settings and privacy”
- Navigate to the “Privacy and safety” menu
- Tap on the “Direct messages” option
- Adjust audio and video calling preferences as desired
Users have the option to choose whether they want to receive calls only from contacts in their address book, accounts they follow, or restrict calls to verified users. For individuals who do not wish to receive calls on X, a straightforward toggle switch labeled “Enable audio and video calling” enables them to disable the feature completely, granting them complete authority over who can or cannot call them.
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